
Freezing Crab Cakes

freezing crab cakes

Here is an easy process to help you store your crab cakes for safe keeping.

I often find myself with left-over crab meat. I usually will use it the next day in either soup, dip or crab cakes. Today my glass is full –so to speak. I have a load of crab leftovers from two nights ago AND a jar of pasteurized crab meat just a few days away from the expiration date.

I’m making a lot of crab cakes and then freezing them. Half of them I’m going to pre-cook the other half I’m going to freeze uncooked.

Here’s how to do it:

First make your crab cake mixture using your favorite recipe from our crab cake pages. Today I used the  Chesapeake crab cakes recipe it’s easy and a favorite.

If you are cooking your crab cakes and then freezing them follow the instructions on the recipe page and set your crab cakes out to cool.

If you are going to freeze your crab cakes, then follow the recipe up until the part where you have to coat your crab cakes. Your crab cakes will turn out a lot crispier if you defrost your crab cakes and then coat them in bread crumbs.

Now stack your crab cakes by placing a piece or wax paper/ parchment paper between each cake. Use a sealable freezer bag to store your crab cakes.

Do you have a vacuum sealer? Read on, if not skip this paragraph.

A trick to perfect vacuum sealing is to pre-freeze. This avoids your crab cakes from getting squished in the air sucking process. You can easily pre-freeze your crab cakes by placing them side by side on a baking sheet and putting them in the freezer for 2-3 hours or overnight is fine. Then simple stack them with wax paper and use your vacuum sealer as directed. Your crab cakes will stay fresh for 3 months longer than using freezer bags.

Cooked crab cakes will be good and yummy for up to 4-6 months.

Uncooked crab cakes will be good and yummy for 2-3 months. Make sure you mark the date on the freezer bag.

Do you still have questions about freezing crab cakes? Ask your questions in our comments section below and we will answer to the best of our abilities. 


Freezing Crab Cakes
Here is an easy process to help you store your crab cakes for safe keeping.
: Appetiser, Entree
  • Find the ingredients to your favorite recipe.
Method to the Rad-ness
  1. First make your crab cake mixture using your favorite recipe from our crab cake pages. Today I used the Chesapeake crab cakes recipe it’s easy and a favorite.
  2. If you are cooking your crab cakes and then freezing them follow the instructions on the recipe page and set your crab cakes out to cool.
  3. If you are going to freeze your crab cakes, then follow the recipe up until the part where you have to coat your crab cakes. Your crab cakes will turn out a lot crispier if you defrost your crab cakes and then coat them in bread crumbs.
  4. Now stack your crab cakes by placing a piece or wax paper/ parchment paper between each cake. Use a sealable freezer bag to store your crab cakes.

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